Meet the Editors

25 March 2024 15:00 - 17:00
Max Planck Institute & online
Everything you’ve always wanted to know about publishing, but never dared to ask.

Meet the Editors is a panel discussion in which you'll get to interact with the Editors-in-Chief of four of the main journals in linguistics. They'll share their top tips for getting into their journals, as well as the pitfalls to avoid. For example, they will share their insights on how to select a journal and how to target a paper toward a journal's profile. But most importantly, they are there to answer YOUR questions, so submit those through the registration form.

The panel discussion will last about one hour in total.

This is an online event. You will get the zoom link after registration.


About the editors

Dagmar Divjak

Dagmar Divjak is Editor-in-Chief of 
Cognitive Linguistics.

Dagmar is Professor of Cognitive Linguistics and Language Cognition at the University of Birmingham and part of the Out Of Our Minds team.

Learn more about her work here.


Stefanie Wulff

Stefanie Wulff is Editor-in-Chief of Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.

Stefanie is Associate Professor in the Linguistics Department at the University of Florida.
She specializes in quantitative corpus linguistics,
specifically in usage-based approaches to second language acquisition.

Learn more about her work here.



Volker Gast

Volker Gast is Editor-in-Chief of Linguistics:
an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences

Volker is Professor of English Linguistics at
the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

Learn more about his work here.



Johan RooryckJohan Rooryck is Editor-in-Chief of Glossa: a journal of General Linguistics.

Johan is Executive Director of cOAlition S and a visiting professor at Leiden University.

Learn more about his work here.





This is a workshop organised by Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) is an international consortium initiated by the University of Tartu in Estonia, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University in the Netherlands and the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Financed by the EU Horizon Europe programme (101079429) and UK Research and Innovation organisation (101079429). MEDAL’s mission is to build expertise in data-driven linguistics methodology among early-career researchers. Read more about MEDAL here.


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